21 Days Calming Videos

Take your body out of fight or flight mode so that you can receive the teaching that is going to set you free.

Course curriculum

    1. Day 1 - A Memory of Ahh

    2. Day 2 - Watching Child Sleep

    3. Day 3 - A Moment of Joy

    4. Day 4 - A Mundane Time

    5. Day 5 - Christ Is Present Always

    6. Day 6 - Moments Where You Felt His Presence

    7. Day 7 - Hard Times When You Knew He Was There

    1. Day 8 - Awaken To Your Father WIth You

    2. Day 9 - Worship Ahhh

    3. Day 10 - He Did The Unexpected

    4. Day 11 - Toes and Up

    5. Day 12 - Christ In Your Body

    6. Day 13 - Tension Spots

    7. Day 14 - Face Relax

    1. Day 15 - Body In Space

    2. Day 16 - Your Happy Place

    3. Day 17 - Take Thoughts Captive

    4. Day 18 - Chewing Your Cud

    5. Day 19 - Be Where Your Feet Are

    6. Day 20 - The Mind of Christ

    7. Day 21 - Enter His Peace

About this course

  • $21.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Dr. Kim West

Christian Counselor and Life Transformation Specialist

For over two decades I have helped hundreds of women take back their lives from what pain and trauma and dysfunctional relationships have stolen from them. My revolutionary counseling techniques are way outside of the ordinary and never fail to bring complete, permanent healing. I have designed systems that are also far from the ordinary - they literally transform lives. My clients are set free from their past, empowered for today and equipped for an amazing tomorrow.