Discover the amazing, powerful woman you were always meant to be

If you are seeking a true mentor, life coach, counselor, spiritual director and guide for a successful Christian life on every level then you have found her!

Here’s how we will change your life:

Are you ready to unleash your true potential and become the woman that you were always meant to be?

  • Meet twice per month, one on one, for up to three hours

    Our time together will be focused, productive, inspiring and even fun. We will be working the plan, celebrating wins, tweaking the path and I will give you a fierce accountability to own your dreams…

  • Connect daily as needed through text and email

    You have access to me. Seriously. I work only with two or three women at a time so I have the bandwidth to serve you well. If some days you need extra support and encouragement then I'm there for you.

  • Meet weekly in The Connected Heart Project group setting

    This is optional but you will love being with a group of women completely dedicated to transforming their lives - just like you are. We go deep, we have fun, we love being together. I wouldn't want you to miss out on this additional way to change your life.

  • Counseling that goes to the core wounds and heals them

    If you have past wounds that are affecting your life today then life coaching is only a band aid on cancer. When the past is healed the future opens wide. We will devote time to ensuring your healing…

  • Path tailored to you, your growth and your success

    Nothing cookie cutter about your transformation. There is no one else like you so we will create a plan that brings forth the true you in all her glory. We work on what you need, when you need it.

  • Every resource, all my knowledge and experience focused upon your growth

    I'll hold nothing back, charge you nothing extra in order that you have everything you need to launch into the world as the amazing woman of God you are called to be!

I always wanted a mentor.

Someone who walked with me guiding me toward becoming the God-designed and powerful in-Christ woman I felt deep inside me.

It didn't happen.

I never came across anyone that fit the bill. Maybe what I envisioned just wasn't possible? I held out hope but never found the woman who felt called to help young women to grow in Christ.

You see, I was, and still am serious about this life being all that it can be. I wanted to squeeze out every bit of my design, how to live it joyfully, powerfully and wisely.

I wasn't willing to settle for an okay life but wanted the more than a conqueror promised life.

Wasn't there an older woman who would guide me and help me?

What I believed I needed was:

  • Spiritual Direction that would mature me in Christ and my life with Him...

  • Counseling that would finally heal my brokenheart and set me free...

  • Personal Growth that was specific and goal oriented to my design...

  • Deep teaching in the Word and the Christian life - I wanted more of truth, understanding and how to live it...

  • Help with interpersonal relationships - setting boundaries, communication, conflict skills and more...

  • Someone who saw my potential when even I didn't see and knew how to bring it out...

  • Guidance on choosing the right path to live out my calling and how to arrive successfully...

  • Real, practical guidance for life in every area from relationships to business to you name it...

  • Counseling to heal internal blocks and limitations that were holding me back and slowing me down...

  • Someone to help me find joy, my power, my purpose and to feel good in my own skin

I longed for help to make my Christian life truly work.

Instead, I had to figure it out myself. And, I did.

God made me to be proactive, a self-started, innovative, creative, hard working and not willing to settle. That meant that I would have to learn to become the woman I wished was there to help me.

I went to Seminary so that I would truly understand the Word and how to live it out.

I earned my Doctorate in Clinical Christian Counseling so that I was empowered to heal the deep wounds of the heart, soul and mind.

I spent over two decades bringing healing and wholeness and life direction to the daughters of the King.

I've written two dozen books on the Word, Christian living and making our Christian lives work.

In all my years dedicated to becoming the best, most God-glorifying, powerful, joyful, Christ adoring woman, I ended up becoming the woman I had sought.

Now, I am the counselor, coach and mentor I sought

With decades of experience in teaching, counseling, discipleship, mentoring and spiritual direction, I can guide you on this journey.

Together we will break free from your old patterns, limitations and wounds so you will find peace and passion in living out your purpose.

Let me show you how to make meaningful changes that will transform your life forever. This means mentoring, real spiritual direction, true Christian life coaching that places Christ at your center and empowers your life.

If needed, I will bring counseling to heal the deepest of wounds of your heart and set you free from a painful past.

Unlock the beautiful possibilities inside you and make lasting transformations!

Who is CHP Intensive for?

  • The woman who is dedicated and determined to become all she was meant to be - without apology. You refuse to settle, to live a life that is too small for you know because you know you were made for more...

  • The woman who will not settle for a mediocre life but wants a life of excellence and won't ask for permission to live big. You won't be lukewarm about Christ or the life He has given you but you need help to live powerfully...

  • The woman who feels the call of the Proverbs 31 woman to create, implement and reap the rewards of her work as a fully functioning woman of God. You don't want a passive life because you are an innovator, high-achiever, filled with ideas and you don't want to ask permission to live out that deep calling you feel inside. You just want guidance on how to live it...

  • The woman that realizes that NOW is the time to take back her life and refuse to live as others decide she should. You have been looking, like I was, for a powerful Christian woman to guide you in living out your own power in Christ. You don't want to wait another day!

As a young woman, I couldn't find a woman to guide me...

That is not your story.

I very intentionally became the woman I saw in my heart and spirit that was equipped and empowered to guide, mentor, coach, counsel and love women into a life they had only dreamed of. There is a life of joy, powerful faith, sweet intimacy with Christ, healthy relationships, unapologetic career, and a joyful daily life that needs no permission from anyone waiting for you.


She helps you create a new identity in a caring and loving manner


Dr. Kim West has played an important role in my life. She has helped me identify a few “lies” in my belief system that were developed as a child. She helped me rid those lies to move forward in my adult life. I feel as though she has set me free. She has a heart for women and it has become her mission. She provides face to face meetings along with support material to allow healing and growth on a daily basis through the process. I highly recommend her to the person searching to be all that God intended you to be.

The shift is real, lasting, powerful!


It has completely changed the paradigm of my life and my ability to see where I actually stand with God, in His warm loving arms, cherishing His darling daughter. I can hardly remember what it was like to see Him differently.

The sessions I had with Kim were amazing!


She encourages, empathizes and is compassionate. Always pointing us to Christ. God is using Kim in a mighty way no doubt about that and God has truly gifted her with the ability to speak truth in such a short time.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Week 1: Triage and Trauma (Video)

    2. Introduction

    3. Chapter 1: Obstacles To Your Life

    4. Chapter 2: Fractured Foundations

    5. Chapter 3: Life Traumas

    6. Chapter 4: The Four Foundations

    7. Chapter 5: Identity (Part 1)

    8. Chapter 5: Identity (Part 2)

    9. Chapter 5: Identity (Part 3)

    1. Week 2: What's Your Story? (Video)

    2. We Tell Ourselves A Story

    3. You Made It All Up

    4. Grieve Until You Are Done

    1. Week 3: Identity Is Everything (Video)

    2. Day 1: Who Is Your Inner Bully?

    3. Day 2: How You Adopted It

    4. Day 3: What Is It Telling You?

    5. Day 4: Cancel The Partnership

    6. Day 5: Taking Back Your Life

    7. Day 6: Stop Arguing With It

    8. Day 7: A Right Perspective

    9. Day 8: You Are Powerful

    10. Day 9: Wake Up Strong In Christ

    11. Day 10: Victory, Your New Normal

    12. Bonus: God vs Evil (Infographics)

    1. Week 4: Healthy Self-Love (Video)

    2. Part 1: Healthy Self-Love

    3. Part 2: Healthy Self-Love

    4. Part 3: Healthy Self-Love

    5. Part 4: Healthy Self-Love

    1. Week 5: Attachments (Video)

    2. Chapter 6: Attachments (Part 1)

    3. Chapter 6: Attachments (Part 2)

    4. Chapter 6: Attachments (Part 3)

About this course

  • $4,800.00
  • 78 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content