Want to grow your practice without increasing your hours?

For over two decades my clients have experienced a “Weekend Breakthrough” that releases them from the bonds of the past without years of therapy. Just one weekend and their trauma memories are no longer painful. Instead, they experience the peace of God rather than pain.

The results are complete, immediate and permanent.

That means painful memories:

  • Hold no more power to disrupt their daily life...

  • Are not causing limitations in their thinking and actions...

  • Are no longer keeping them from enjoying a successful life...

  • Hold no more shame...

  • They feel at peace with what once caused them heartache.

Heal Your Clients and At Least Double Your Income

What happens in a Weekend Breakthrough is truly astonishing!

Our God is mighty to heal and ready to heal. That, in itself, is incredibly fulfilling to see and be a part of. A Weekend Breakthrough's value is in giving our clients back their lives - in just days! With this method, I've had a 100% success rate. My clients, at the end of their Weekend Breakthrough, tell me that the healing they received is worth ten times their investment. And, that their limitations before the weekend had cost them so much on every level. Working just one weekend a month you could make what you make now doing full-time sessions. Or add it to your practice and make much more. I will show you how to truly bring complete healing to your trauma clients as well as grow your practice. I'll train and support you for a full six months when you join me for this next level training.


I am healed and free!


I couldn't have been more skeptical but I also couldn't take the pain anymore. I'd been in counseling before and it didn't change anything. So, why would this weekend intensive thing work? Well, it did! I'm still stunned. Those memories that haunted me don't bother me at all now. Instead, when I do think about them, and it isn't often, I just feel the peace of Christ. I am forever grateful for what Dr. West has done for me. I am healed and free!

The sessions I had with Kim were amazing!


She encourages, empathizes and is compassionate. Always pointing us to Christ. God is using Kim in a mighty way no doubt about that and God has truly gifted her with the ability to speak truth in such a short time. God has gifted Kim with a uniqueness and style all of her own, she is being led by the Spirit and is willing to use her gifts and talents as the Lord leads. Kim radiates the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit within her is very powerful.

You were an answer to prayer and a BLESSING


Every so often I think of you and thank GOD for you in helping me in such a powerful way i.e. saving my life, helping me put my soul back together and supporting me thru such a brutal time of suffering in my life. You were an answer to prayer and a BLESSING that by God's grace I will never forget and will always be thankful for. May you continue to be an instrument of consoling the afflicted, instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful and helping people find freedom and healing in Christ.

You have changed my entire future.


My friends keep commenting on how different I am since the weekend breakthrough. I feel different too. If I had known I could heal from my past in just a few days I would have done this years ago. Better late than never, right? Thank you, Kim. You have changed my entire future.

I highly recommend Dr. Kim West!


For anyone, who needs and wants healing, without the whole months and/or years of counseling without any true and lasting freedom. I highly recommend Dr. Kim West! I praise God for sending His chosen vessel along when He did.


I thanked Our Lord sooooo much for sending you into my life. You saved it...I was at the brink of the pit... So I asked Our Lord to bless you for all you have done to help me...putting Humpty-Dumpty back together again and for pulling me off the ledge.

Are you interested?

We are talking about you becoming a specialist in trauma healing.

Your client's invest with you, the specialist, at specialist rates in order to get these amazing results and they get specialist results. Before we go any further, I have a way for you to decide if learning to hold Weekend Breakthrough's for your clients is the right path for you...

Course curriculum

    1. In His Name Training

    2. Introduction

    3. Introduction: Preparation

    1. Module 1: Foundations

    1. Life Is Confusing Without God

    2. I Am Statements

    3. God Can't Abandon You

    4. God is Good All the Time

    5. God is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

    6. We See the Back Side of What God is Doing

    7. Is God Who He Says He is

    8. There is a God That Loves You

    1. Introduction and Housekeeping

    2. We'll Talk About YOU

    3. Foundations of Faith

    4. Why an Intensive

    5. Working With The Lord

    6. They Need Relationship With The Lord

    1. Renovation of the Heart

    2. Revolution of Character - Part 1

    3. Revolution of Character - Part 2

    4. Revolution of Character - Part 3

    5. Revolution of Character - Part 4

    6. Attachment to Christ

    1. Module 2: Intensive Structure & Working with Memories

About this course

  • $2,300.00
  • 127 lessons
  • 17.5 hours of video content

About Dr. Kim West

I’ve been doing what others say can’t be done for two decades – completely and permanently healing trauma, abuse and mental roadblocks quickly and easily.

No years of therapy. No tolerable recovery, just removing all obstacles to success. Combining my doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling and Master of Divinity plus twenty years of success-based counseling, I have brought real healing and true freedom to hundreds of clients. I’ve truly become the expert in getting my clients free from the pain and shame of past abuse and trauma AND I know how to help them to live out a powerful, joyful, growing Christian life. I’m starting a revolution of specialized Christian Trauma Counselors world wide with the same abilities to set their clients free to change the world. Are you the next Weekend Breakthrough Pro?

Are You Ready?

I can't wait to talk with you...about your dreams for your clients and your goals for your practice.