Released From Fear

Discover the joy of Anxiety-free living

This is the powerful solution to getting you freed from anxiety. This is real transformation to joyful, anxiety-free living.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. How Did I Get Here?

    1. Anxiety Affects All Of Life

    1. A Biblical Look at Anxiety

    2. Anxiety Will Take Up Residence

    1. The Battle Felt In The Body

    2. You Might Think This Is Weird But...

    1. What Is Really Going On

    2. Anxiety Says You Can Read Mind

    3. Anxiety Says You Can Predict The Future

    4. Anxiety Says You Mess Everything Up

    5. Anxiety Says You Are A Victim

    6. Anxiety Awfulizes

    7. Anxiety Asks, What If

    8. Anxiety Says Everything Is About You

    1. I Need To Control

    2. Confidence In The Flesh

    3. How You Use Anxiety To Control

    4. Answer To Anxiety Is God

    5. What About Bad In The World

    6. Faith Or Anxiety

About this course

  • $22.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Let's Get You Anxiety Free

You are about to embark on an empowering journey. We are going to move from the desperation and darkness of anxiety straight into light and truth. And, real joy.

Dr. Kim West

Christian Counselor and Life Transformation Specialist

For over two decades I have helped hundreds of women take back their lives from what pain and trauma and dysfunctional relationships have stolen from them. My revolutionary counseling techniques are way outside of the ordinary and never fail to bring complete, permanent healing. I have designed systems that are also far from the ordinary - they literally transform lives. My clients are set free from their past, empowered for today and equipped for an amazing tomorrow.