There is Only One Story in the Bible

There is only one story that runs through all sixty-six books of the Bible which was written by forty authors in three different languages over a period of time of 1600 years on three different continents.

THE story is the person of God and His love and interaction with mankind as He brings eternal redemption through His Son Jesus Christ so that we might know Him and adore Him forever.

The Bible Understood Is A Way To See The Big Picture

There are a lot of characters in this Biblical story – Noah, Isaiah, Joshua, Abraham, Paul, Miriam and Deborah, for example. Could you place them in a Biblical timeline and know how the Lord was working through them in His Story and for His eternal purposes? No?

Want the Bible explained so that you can?

This ebook is a way to learn and keep the big picture in mind while being able to place people and events within that one story. You will come away really understanding the Bible.

This ebook will also help you to praise and worship God for His magnificent plan as the Bible is explained and you see His loving hand throughout His Story.

Sixty-six Books, One Story - Understood

The Bible does make sense. It is not disjointed stories and people but one, amazing, magnificent plan of God!

You can know the Bible, be able to place characters and events accurately within the Bible and understand each person’s and event’s meaning and impact.

This is your story. This is your history and your future. Know it. Understand it. Start right now to have the Bible explained and give God the glory for His wisdom, power and loving interaction with His creation.

Imagine having the Bible explained in a way that is easy to understand, makes sense and helps to move you closer to God. And the cost – $12. You will have an immediate download of this ebook as soon as you purchase.

Course curriculum

    1. Week 1 : Creation

    2. Week 2: Consequence

    3. Week 3: Corruption

    4. Week 4: Confusion

    5. Week 5: Covenant

    6. Week 6: Captivity

    7. Week 7: Camp

    8. Week 8: Conquest

    9. Week 9: Crown

    10. Week 10: Captivity 2

    11. Week 11: Construction

    12. Week 12: Christ

    13. Week 13: Church

    14. Week 14: Christ Returns

    15. Week 15: Christ the King

    16. Week 16: Completion

About this course

  • $24.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Do You Want to Understand the Bible

Sixty-six books written by forty authors in three different languages over a period of time of 1600 years on three different continents – this is the Bible.