The Bible Understood Course
CourseDo you wish you could have the bible explained so that all of this fits together and you understood the big picture as well as the details?
Calm Your Body
CourseIncludes 21 professional videos that make this whole system work. Watch a video to calm your body and now your mind is able to absorb and put into practice what will set you free from fear. Watch or listen to calm your body throughout the day or list
10 Days To Silence Your Inner Bully
CourseYou know the voice. You just thought it was your own. It isn't. In the next 10 days you will separate yourself from it and what it tells you, shut it up and then learn to live truth in your mind.
Take Control Of Your Mind
CourseYou take control of your mind - GOD gives you peace. You have the secret to contentment - Christ gives you the strength to live it out.
No More Panic Attacks
CourseDecide today that you will have no more panic attacks and it will be so. The decision to change IS the first step out of panic attacks and into a life free from them.
Released From Fear
CourseKnowledge is power and when you understand anxiety you have the power to do something about it to remove it from your life forever.